

A Checklist of Common Angiosperm Weeds of Rajshahi District, Bangladesh

In the present paper occurrence of 155 angiosperm weed species under 123 genera and 50 families were recorded. Of these, Magnoliopsida (Dicots) was represented by 138 species under 107 genera and 43 families while Liliopsida (Monocots) was represented by 17 species under 16 genera and 7 families. Asteraceae was the largest family in Magnoliopsida represented by 27 species, and Araceae was the largest family in Liliopsida represented by 6 species. An enumeration of the species recorded was presented with scientific name, local name, family, plant population, flowering time and voucher numbers. Out of the total number of species 98 were frequent, 41 were abundant, 15 were rare and 1 was very rare species in the study area.

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Keywords: Keywords: Checklist, Common Angiosperm Weeds, Rajshahi District, Bangladesh.

ISSN: 2408-7254

EISSN: 2408-7254


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