Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences (JERBS) is an open access, peer reviewed journal that provides rapid monthly publication…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:4674International Journal of Medical arts is international, open access, double-blinded, peer-reviewed journal, published on behalf of Al-Azhar Faculty of Medicine…
Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1205FORMATIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA (p-ISSN 2088-351X & e-ISSN 2502-5457) is a peer-reviewed International open-access journal. The journal invites scientists…
Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:3067Journal for Advanced Research in Commerce and Management Studies[JARCMS] is an open access, peer-reviewed refereed and Semi-Annual journal published by…
Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:3616Erevna Journal of Linguistics and Literature is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers twice a…
Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:710Studies in Mathematical Sciences
Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:7480