

Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control

The journal aims at serving the academic community principally at publishing topical articles resulting from original research whether theoretical or applied in the various aspects of academic endeavour broadly classified as Radio Electronics, Computer Science and Control. It focuses on fresh formulations of problems and new methods of investigation and provides a help for professionals, graduates, engineers, academics and researchers disseminate information on state-of-the-art techniques according to the journal scope. The journal scope includes, but is not limited to: radio physics, micro-, nano- and radio electronics, computer hardware and software, computer networks and telecommunications, algorithm and programming theory, optimization and operations research, machine-machine and man-machine interfacing, mathematical modeling and computer simulation, data and signal processing, artificial intelligence, including knowledge-based and expert systems, data mining, pattern recognition, artificial neural and neuro-fuzzy networks, fuzzy logics, swarm intelligence and multiagent systems, hybrid systems.


Keywords: radio electronics, radio physiscs, computer science, artificail intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy systems

ISSN: 1607-3274


Subject: Computer Science

Publisher: Zaporizhzhia National Technical University

Year: 1999

Country: Ukraine

Views: 5932 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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