URL: http://www.science-gate.com/IJAAS.html
Keywords: Electrical engineering (Computer, Electronic, Optical, Power) - Chemical engineering (Biomolecular, Materials, Molecular, Process, Petroleum) - Civil engineering (Environmental, Geological, Structural, Transport) - Mechanical engineering (Aerospace, Acoustical, Manufacturing, Thermal, Vehicle) - Nanoengineering - History - Linguistics - Literature Performing arts Philosophy - Religion - Visual arts - Social sciences - Anthropology - Archaeology - Area studies - Cultural and ethnic studies - Economics - Geography - Political science - Psychology - Sociology - Natural science - Space sciences - Earth sciences - Life sciences - Chemistry - Physics - Formal sciences - Computer sciences - Logic - Mathematics - Statistics - Systems science - Professions and Applied sciences - Agriculture - Architecture and Design - Business - Divinity - Education - Engineering - Environmental studies and Forestry - Family and consumer science - Healthcare science - Human physical performance and recreation - Journalism, media studies and communication - Law - Library and museum studies - Military sciences - Public administration - Social work - Transportation
ISSN: 2313-3724
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Institute of Advanced Science Extension (IASE)
Year: 2014
Country: Malaysia
Views: 14709 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available