nternational Refereed Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Science Journal entered into the publication in 2015 for the first time. Original, compilation and research themed Works in the field of social sciences are included in our journal. Our journal is an international refereed and academic journal. The studies belonging to social sciences and disciplines are accepted. The language of our journal is primarily Turkish and Turkish Dialects, but the papers prepared in other languages are also welcomed for publication. The science is universal. We aim to contribute and support for all kinds of scientific studies within the framework of scientific ethics, and we welcome all authors, referees and members of the science and advisory board who wish to be included in this structure and make contribution. We also would like to mention that we desire to be in the media organ operating in many fields and to make a number of valuable contributions to the science and academia. Our purpose is to reach the most qualified studies serving for science to the readers and researchers. And the other purpose is to bring together the academic researches, analyses and studies directed to Turkish World –having the same history, culture, language and tradition- in the field of Social Sciences under the same roof of our journal. However, our range of subjects is not limited to Turkish World; we open the doors of our journal also for original and scientific works in all fields of social sciences. No one is privileged in our journal. Our journal publishes six times a year as in January, March, May, July, September and November. The studies sent to our journal are firstly approved in editorial board and the accepted studies are sent to the related field referees. Every study is evaluated by two field referees and the approved ones are published. A study is demanded to be revised only for three times. If the required changes are not made after the third revision demand, the study is automatically rejected. The operation of our journal and all kinds of procedures are monitored on the system.
URL: http://socialsciences.eurasianacademy.org/eng/
Keywords: eurasian academy social sciences journal
ISSN: 2149-1348
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Eurasian Academy Of Sciences
Year: 2015
Country: Turkey
Views: 6443
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