Journal «Microbiology and biotechnology» publishes primary research papers on microbiology and biotechnology of prokaryotic (bacteria, archaea) and eukaryotic (fungi, microscopic algae, protozoa) microorganisms, viruses. Topics: microbiology, virology, molecular biotechnology, development and selection of new microbial strains, microbial preparations, antimicrobial preparations, biosensors, diagnosticums, microbial technologies in agriculture, microbial technologies in food production, environment protection and enhancement, development of energy vectors and new raw materials, etc. Types of publications: «Reviews», «Experimental works», «Original Research Papers», «Discussions», «Short communications», «Conferences, congresses, trend schools», «Scientific life chronicles», «Pages of History», «Anniversaries», «Book rewievs», «Bookshelf».
Keywords: Microbiology; Virology; Immunology
ISSN: 2076-0558
Subject: Biotechnology
Publisher: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Year: 2007
Country: Ukraine
Views: 1683
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