The Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People (ISSN 2285-3642, ISSN-L 2285-3642) is an open access journal which is committed to publish quality research papers submitted by scholars all over the world and especially by members of Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities (ACEU), in an attempt of serving as a forum of discussion on topics related to Economic Development, Environment and Social Sciences.
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and use a CC-By licence.
The frequency of the Journal is quarterly.
The Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People has an
international editorial board and first rate contributors who have
submitted scholarly articles where they referred and cited the most
recent mainstream research works.
The Journal use a CC-By licence.
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Keywords: Economic Development, Environment Sciences, Human Sciences
ISSN: 2285-3642
Subject: Environmental Sciences
Publisher: Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine:
Year: 2012
Country: Romania
Views: 3974
Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available
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