

Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment

Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment (MJEE) provides platform for international scientific community to publish advances in ecological and environmental sciences. Both, theoretical and experimental papers will be considered for publication. MJEE publishes original research papers in all aspects of ecology and environmental sciences. Studies in ecology may concern both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, plant and animal communities, interactions between organisms and their environment and biogeography. Original research in environmental sciences may concern environmental degradation and pollution (air, water, soil), sustainable development, natural resources management, agroecology, geoecology, risk/hazard assessment, toxicology, waste management, environmental protection, environmental radioactivity, environmental legislation, environmental management and environmental education. Papers describing solely technological or industrial processes are not to be considered. MJEE is published in two issues per year.


Keywords: Ecology, environment

ISSN: 0354-2491


Subject: Environmental Sciences

Publisher: Macedonian Ecological Society

Year: 1993

Country: Macedonia

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