The scientific journal of Islam Futura (JIIF) is published by the Graduate Program of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, since 2001. It focuses on the development of Islamic Studies (Dirasah Islamiyah) which done through library research, or field research. The publication of this academic journal is intended to to enrich Islamic sciences that have been developing in the present.The first address of online version of JIIF is However, since UIN Ar-Raniry planned to unite all journals under one roof in this institution, JIIF changed the online version address to: started from 2016. Office address: Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri (State Islamic University) Ar-Raniry Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia 23111
Keywords: islamic education, islamic economics, islamic mysticism, islamic studies, area studies
ISSN: 1412-1190
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Graduate Program of State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia
Year: 2011
Country: Indonesia
Views: 4064
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