REDES - Regional Development Magazine is a four-monthly publication of the Postgraduate Program in Regional Development of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - RS / Brazil. Its editorial line aims to disseminate knowledge about the processes of social, economic, cultural, political-institutional and technological development that shape the regional space.
The manuscripts must be unpublished and on subjects related to the field of studies on regional development, from the social and human sciences, especially urban and regional planning, geography, economics, sociology, political science, social communication, law, history, social service and Tourism, among other disciplinary areas, as long as they approach the theme of regional development in a central way.
Following the official policy of publishing academic journals in the country, affiliated with the international strategy to foster free access to knowledge, it provides its abstracts and texts in a comprehensive and free to readers. The articles and essays may be more theoretical through a critical and updated literature review (not just bibliographical reviews) or be of a more empirical nature, resulting from research carried out in the areas of social and human sciences that are part of the field of study on the regional development.
The contribution must be ORIGINAL. Submitted text may NOT have been published or submitted to another journal.REDES - Regional Development Magazine since its first issue counts on peer review mechanisms, characterizing itself as an academic publication.
Articles received are first reviewed by the editors and, if they respect the standards for publication and are in line with the topics of interest, follow a double-blind review process in which the identity of both reviewer and author are hidden from both parties.
The review system has been composed of two external reviewers appointed according to the theme and the article's focus for blind evaluations.
Keywords: Regional Development; Regional Planning; Territorial Development; Public Policy
ISSN: 1982-6745
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Postgraduate Program in Regional Development and Publisher of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul
Year: 2007
Country: Brazil
Views: 2201
Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 586
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