

A&C - Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional

The A&C - Administrative & Constitutional Law Review is a quarterly scientific journal promoted by the Romeu Felipe Bacellar Institute of Law (Instituto de Direito Romeu Felipe Bacellar) with the support of the Institute of Administrative Law of Paraná - IPDA (Instituto Paranaense de Direito Administrativo). It was founded in 1999 and had its first 10 issues edited by Juruá Editora. From issue number 11 to the present day it is edited and published by Editora Fórum, both in print and in digital version, based at Digital Library Forum - BID (Biblioteca Digital Fórum). Its main objective is the dissemination of research on current issues in the areas of Administrative and Constitutional Law, aiming to reach the public of scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate researchers and Public Law professionals. The editorial line of A&C - Administrative & Constitutional Law Review, established by its Editorial Board composed of renowned Brazilian and foreign scholars, is focused on research developed in the area of Constitutional and Administrative Law, focusing on the question of the effectiveness of its institutes not only in Brazil but also in comparative law, emphasizing the field of intersection between Public Administration and Constitution and the critical analysis of innovations in Public Law, notably in Latin America and European countries with latin culture. The journal is classified in stratum A2 by the Commission Qualis - Law Area of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazilian Ministry of Education).


Keywords: Administrative Law, Constitutional Law

ISSN: 1516-3210


Subject: Law

Publisher: Editora Fórum

Year: 1999

Country: Brazil

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