The publishing of CARPATHIAN JOURNAL of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (CJEE) has started in 2007. The regularity of the journal is annual. CJEE publishes scientific works, in international purposes, in different areas of research, such as: automation, electrical, electronic, computer and power engineering. The redaction team is an international one, made up from different scientific personalities.
For the publishing of each article, it is read by the redaction team, to verify if all the instructions are followed and to verify if the article is well placed, regarding the thematic. After that each article is seen by two scientific referents. If one of the referents, or both of them, has observations, the article is resend to the author for the appropriate modification. After this step, the article is send again to the scientific referents. If the article is rejected for publication, by at least one of the referents it will not be published. The overall process will be finalized by the Editor in Chief
The reviewing process is double-blind: the reviewers do not not know who the manuscript author(s) is and the author(s) does not know who have reviewed the manuscript.
This magazine respects the international standards and it is publish in English.
For older issues, the abstracts of the papers and for newer issues, the full articles can be seen on the internet, for free.
Keywords: Electrical, engineering
ISSN: 18437583
Publisher: NordTech / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Nord University Centre of Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Year: 2010
Country: Romania
Views: 8195
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