

Jasa Ekosistem Lamun Bagi Kesejahteraan Manusia

The purpose of this study was to determine the typology, seagrass ecosystem function and services that are useful for human well-being. This research was conducted by using literatures survey of some scientific documents and analyzed qualitatively and described to obtain a comprehensive overview in accordance with purposes of this research. The results of this study shows that seagrass ecosystem provides the benefits of ecosystem services are valuable and needed humans to meet their needs and well-being, both ecologically, socially, and economically. Those ecosystem services include the following: (i) provisioning services that one of them shown by the production of a protein source necessary for mandkind, (ii) regulating services, one of which is shown by role of seagrass in maintaining the stability of white sand beaches from abrasion, (iii) cultural services, one one which is shown by the role of seagrass in making the surrounding area as a place for recreation, especially recreational fishing, and (iv) supporting services, one of which is shown by the role of seagrass in the process of supplying oxygen and nutrient cycling in the waters of the needs of fish and biota surrounding. All the ecosystem services provided to be a source of life and livelihood are needed to meet the people’s welfare.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: seagrass, ecosystem services, provisioning services, regulating services, cultural services, supporting services

ISSN: 18583873

EISSN: 24769347

EOI/DOI: seagrass, ecosystem services,

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