

Effect of NAA, triacontanol and boron on seed viability and vigour in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) cv. PUSA VISESH

An investigation was carried out in order to know the influence of NAA, triacontanol and boron viability and vigour level of seed in bitter gourd cv. PUSA VISESH. Resultant seeds were stored in cloth bags under ambient storage condition and seed quality was tested after every month upto end of storage period. Results revealed that NAA 50 ppm recorded highest seed germination and seedling vigour index (83.25% and 1757, respectively). Whereas, boron at 4 ppm recorded higher speed of germination and seedling length (18.23 and 21.16 cm, respectively). Storage study reveled that boron at 4 ppm maintained highest seed viability and vigour quality till the end of twelve months storage period.

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Keywords: Bitter gourd, Seed vigour, Cloth bag, Ambient storage condition


EISSN: 0976–5670

EOI/DOI: 10.15740/HAS/IJAS/12.2/365-369

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