Apparently, the international competition is strong in the area of investment in new technologies and expecting for their results to
be applied at the right moment. Nanotechnology is from far the most wanted by investors. During the last twenty years, developed
states invested in nanotechnologies as a priority for their policies and in time this trend was followed by the less developed
countries. At the opposite side, there are countries as Romania that seem to not keep the step with times and lose the start in front
of those very active in this field. This paper tries to focus on the role of the Romanian business environment to reshape the textile
industry through new technologies and nanotechnologies especially. As the methodology, the in-depth interview method was used
to get the information from the most important actors in Romanian business textile field. The conclusions show that a lot of
measures are required to change the mentality and the working style. The study reveals also that together with the state
involvement the industrial policies must be changed. In the same time, this research gathered some recommendations as
pragmatic solutions to take seriously the role of business environment for bringing its contribution for this challenge.
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Author Name: Adriana Ungureanu
Keywords: Technology, nanotechnology, textiles, Romania, industry
ISSN: 2393-4913
EISSN: 2457-5836
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