

Rakshakarma inChild Health Care - A Review

Rakshakarma means protective measures. It is one of the important procedures extensively used in Ayurveda. It is one of the procedures involved in the resuscitation of the newborn. The concept of Rakshakarma in Ayurveda is quite efficient for providing a complete physical and psychological protective shield to the newborn. Protective measures for the new born baby are taken to prevent the infections and to clean the environment, as well as to increase humoral immunity. The fumigation ( dh u pan a) of the Sutikagara (sanatorium/labour room) by various drugs is mentioned to protect the baby from various opportunistic infe ctions. Ayurvedic acharyas have advocated the use of clean and fumigated clothes, beddings etc . The various drugs mentioned in dhupana karma have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which have been also proved experimentally in various studies . Plants protect by secreting natural phenols, flavonoids, isoflavones, glucosinolates, etc. These different chemicals are usually bitter, pungent or astringent in taste. In addition to their bactericidal or biological activity these substances may provide a defense against predators. Chanting hymns and practicing Yama and Niyama provide a psychological support to the patient, which is helpful for quick recovery and rehabilitation. Thus we can say that Rakshakarma procedure provides a complete physical and psy chological protection to the mother and the child.

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Keywords: Rakshakarma, Immunity, Protective Measures, Antisepsis, Vrana


EISSN: 2350-0204


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