

Conceptual Study of Role of Panchakarma (Detoxification) Therapy in Visha Chikitsa (Poisoning Management)

Agadtantra is a branch which deals with Visha (poison), its manifestation & its treatment. Two types of visha i.e., Akritrim vish a & Kritrim visha are explained in Agadtantra . Sthavar visha (plant origin) & Jangam visha (animal origin) are two types of Akritrim Visha (natural poison). Dushivisha & Garavisha (cumulative poison) are two types of kritrim visha (artificial poison) which are formed from the combination of poisonous and non - poisonous substances, respectively. Such types of Visha after getting entry into the body produces toxicity and many other diseases after vitiating the Dosha . It is a need to re move and neutralise these toxins, and there are various techniques mentioned in Ayurvedic Samhita’s for the same . Panchakarma therapy has great importance among these techniques. because other techniques remove toxins superficially or locally but toxins at deeper tissue level can be removed by Panchakarma procedures. Drugs used in Panchakarma therapy also helps to neutralise toxins in the body. Acharya Charaka has also explained Chaturvimshati Upakrama (twenty four modality of poison) in Chikitsasthana 2 which is considered as general line of treatment of poisoning. Vamana, Virechana, Raktamokshana and Nasya these Panchakarma procedures are included in Chaturvimshati Upakrama . Depending upon the route of entry of poison and absorption of poison in body, these Panchakarma procedures are used. In Sthavar and Jangam type of poisoning Sadya (instant) Panchakarma procedures can be done according to conditions. Likewise in Dushivisha and Garavisha type of poisoning Panchakarma can be done with Purvakarma . This review article concludes the panchakarma therapy as a sole detoxification therapy.

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Keywords: Agadtantra, Panchakarma, Sthavar visha, Jangam visha, Garavisha, Dushivisha


EISSN: 2350-0204


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