This research paper investigated the difference of students’ academic performance in science stream under the consideration of the effects of Caste, Region and Gender in Government Senior Secondary Schools of Punjab state. Performance on the basis of the medium in the 10th class passed has also been studied. A sample of 10 Schools was drawn from the population through the process of simple random sampling technique, made up of 5 schools in Rural Area and 5 schools in Urban Area. Data is gathered through the review of internal records. The statistical technique of ‘Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)’ was employed to analyze the data. The results revealed that General caste students from urban and English medium school background have been performing better as compared to others. Also, female students have shown better academic performance as compared to male students.
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Author Name: Sanjeev Kumar, Jyotika Bansal
Keywords: Caste, Region, Medium, Gender, senior secondary, academic performance.
EISSN: 2454-9916
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