


The subject of research of the article is the creation of model assessing the risks of occupational injuries as a factor of direct influence on the state and nature of the relationship between the employer and the employee. The goal – to build a model for assessing the risks of occupational traumatism in the subsystem of personnel management of the decision-making system for organizing the activities of industrial enterprise. Objectives: to develop an economic and mathematical model that allows to investigate the distribution of risks of occupational injuries during the operation of the employment contract. The general scientific methods of system, structural analysis and specific methods of decision-making are used in the conditions of risk and uncertainty. The following results are obtained. The article provides a conceptual model for making a decision on managing the risks of occupational injuries to a person responsible for the quantitative justification of the equivalence of financial relations between the administration of an industrial enterprise as a party to an employment contract and workers in minimizing the consequences of occupational injuries. Key factors of influence on the process and nature of these relations are highlighted in terms of the variability of the level of injuries during the employment contract. It is proposed to take into account the risks of occurrence of non-standard production situations in the calculation of the cost of works (services) in the context of certain factors of influence and in time, which makes it possible to prevent the use of accidental events as a tool for unforeseen non-production expenditures, as well as keeping the enterprise's responsibility within the monetary fund corresponding to those taken on Themselves under the employment contract. Conclusions. When analyzing and constructing a model that allows for a numerical assessment of the distribution of occupational injury risks within an employment contract, a number of indicators have been identified on the basis of the company's own statistics on occupational injuries, which have a significant impact on the decision to organize the production activity of the enterprise in minimizing the consequences of occupational injuries. The recommendations are given on the use of the results obtained for more accurate assessment and forecasting of the movement of the main production processes during the year. The obtained results can be used to more accurately determine the employer's obligations under the employment contract in terms of compensation, which are stipulated by the objectively existing level of industrial injuries.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: enterprise; industrial injury; employee; model

ISSN: 2522-9818

EISSN: 2524-2296


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