

Biomonitoring And Zonal Cartography Of Loxodonta Africana Cyclotys (Proboscidea, Mammalia) Activity In The Era-Congo/Mai-Ndomde Redd+ Concession In Democratic Republic Of The Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a biodiversity hotspot. It is amongst one of the most important fauna reserves either in Africa or in the world. Yet, its fauna is dangerously threatened thru the poaching upsurge and of the smuggling. Worldwide, studies show that a certain number of victim animal species is notching up on the red list of threatened species of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), it is the case of African elephants of which the habitat is more and more restricted because of the demographic pressure and human activities. In order to protect this natural ecological inheritance and of its habitat, a scientific assignment was performed some months ago in this forest zone for confirming the existence of these elephants. This prospective study aimed the confirmation of the existence of elephants in this geographical area as a main objective. The specific objectives of this study were the direct and/or indirect observation in order to collect the presence indexes of elephants in this zone on the one hand and on the other hand to elaborate the map indicating the activity zones. Several elephant indexes (fresh and recent droppings, tracks and berries) were observed. The activity zone of elephants is located out of as well as in the concession ERA-CONGO/MAI-NDOMDE REDD+. Therefore, the forest block of Ntombe Nzale grouping (mainly Ngeleku, Olingi-oyei and Ilee-Makaba villages) in the Mai-Ndombe province constitutes a priority zone for the biodiversity conservation.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mai Ndombe Province, Ntombe Nzale, Biodiversity conservation, Loxodonta africana cyclotys

ISSN: 2348-7313

EISSN: 2348-7313

EOI/DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.893571

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