While the interpretation of the Quran emphasizes the importance of an understanding
of the causes, issues and incidents in relation to revelation as well as knowing its time
and place, the translation studies concern with the roles of context in ensuring a
precise translation. Context is regarded as one of the crucial parts in translating
metaphorical connotations as it captures the meaning that transcends its literal
translation. This study aims to highlight the importance of context in achieving an
exact translation, especially in translating the Quranic metaphorical connotations
Published by Faculty of Islamic Civilization Studies, KUIS
into the Malay language based on semantic equivalence between the source and
target text to the closest possible to the meaning of the original Arabic text. This is
achieved by an analysis of the descriptive, analytical and comparative methods of
selected copies of translations by Mahmoud Younis, Abdullah Basmeih and Zaini
Dahalan. The findings show that these translators pay special attention to the
importance of context in the translation of the Quranic metaphorical connotations.
Evidences also show some flaws in the delivery of the intended meaning in the target
language when these translations rely solely on the texts’ literal translation,
consequently causing a diversion from the intended meaning of the Quranic message.
Therefore, this study suggests that it is not reliable for a study of the Quran nor for the
reader of the target language to depend on one absolute translation only, but to refer
to and compare different copies of the translation in order to reach the precise
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Author Name: Nasimah Abdullah
Keywords: connotations, Quranic metaphorical, context, translation
ISSN: 0218-116X
EISSN: 2550-1992
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