


The article examines the actual questions of implementation of system of internal assurance of quality into the higher educational establishments of Ukraine as a component of the system of assurance of national education. The quality of high education is a national priority, prerequisite for the national security of Ukraine, compliance with international norms and national legislation of citizens’ rights to the education’s realization. It is the indicator which shows the effectiveness of the functioning of national educational system. The improvement of quality of Higher education is the central problem of its own reformation. Exactly, the quality of education determines the competitiveness of any national educational institution. It not only presents the results of graduates studying, but also shows causes of the result formation. It all depends on the purpose, essence, methodology, organization and technology of education. The purposes of the system of internal assurance of quality are: satisfaction of educational service providers (entrants, students, postgraduates) and the employers’ requirements and expectations; monitoring and evaluation of quality of educational process; timely detection of causes of deviations in actual qualitative indicators of internal and external standards; searching and realization the ways to eliminate these deviations. We presented the experience of Lviv Polytechnic National University work in field of implementating the system of internal assurance of quality education; basic principles, basic procedures and measures of the realization of this system are described. The university system of internal educational activity and assurance of quality of higher education consists of provision of educational activity and the quality of higher education process. This process is a set of two subsystems: subsystem of evaluation of quality of educational activity by generalized criteria, which are determined on the basis of aggregate of average quantitative indicators; subsystem of monitoring and managing processes and procedures of assurance of quality of education. The article also examines the main tasks and directions of the department of ensuring the functioning of the Lviv Polytechnic National University quality management system work.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: a quality, a quality of education, quality management system, a system of internal quality assurance.

ISSN: 2308-4634

EISSN: 2617-0825


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