Idare hukuku literaturunde “Bagimsiz Idari Otoriteler” olarak da adlandirilan duzenleyici ve denetleyici kuruluslarin, ilk olarak ABD’ de 1880’li yillarda; Kita Avrupasi ulkelerine bakildiginda ise, 2.inci Dunya Savasi sonrasinda ortaya ciktigi; ancak Turkiye gibi gelismekte olan ulkelerin gundemlerine yogun olarak 1980’li yillardan itibaren girmeye basladigi gorulmektedir.
Devletin uzun yillar devam eden mudahaleci ve korumaci politikalari; ozellikle de ekonomik hayata mudahalesi, Ikinci Dunya Savasi sonrasi meydana gelen teknolojik gelisme ve degismeler, kisilerin yasam standartlarinin yukselmesi, kamu hizmeti ve kamu yonetimi anlayisinin degisimine paralel olarak evrensel hizmet(minimum hizmet veya etkin hizmet) gibi kavramlarin onem kazanmaya baslamasi ve 1980’li yillarin baslarindan itibaren kuresellesmenin de etkisiyle devletin ekonomik
hayattan cekilmeye baslamasiyla beraber duzenleme konusunda meydana gelen bosluk; daha sonralari temel hak ve ozgurlukler, enerji, cevre, saglik, iletisim gibi alanlarda da faaliyet gosteren, uzman kisilerden olusan ozerk nitelikteki bu kuruluslarla doldurulmaya baslanmistir.
Anayasa Mahkemesi’nce kamu kurumu niteliginde oldugu kabul edilen, anayasal sistem acisindan ise yerinden yonetim kuruluslari arasinda yer alan, “hizmet bakimindan yerinden yonetim kurulusu” oldugu kabul edilen duzenleyici ve denetleyici kuruluslarin merkezi idare ile olan iliskileri, idarenin butunlugu ilkesinin ne sekilde gerceklestirilecegi ve idari vesayet yetkisi tartisilmaya devam etmektedir.
Bu calismada, soz konusu kuruluslarin idari yapisi icerisindeki yerleri, Anayasa Mahkemesi kararlari isiginda, doktrindeki gorusler de ele alinarak ortaya konulmaya calisilacak ve duzenleyici ve denetleyici kuruluslarin merkezi idare ile olan iliskileri, idarenin butunlugu ilkesi ve idari vesayet yetkisi baglaminda ele alinacaktir.
It is seen that regulatory and supervisory agencies, also referred to as "Independent Administrative Authorities" in the administrative law literature, were first established in the US in 1880; when looking at the countries of the Continental Europe, they emerge after the Second World War, however they have intensively started to enter the agendas of the emerging countries like Turkey beginning from 1980s.
That the conceptions begun to gain importance such as interventionist and protectionist policies of the state for many years, especially its intervention of economic life, the development of technological development and changes after the second world war, the rise of living standards of people and the universal service in parallel with the change of public service and public administration and the gap occurred together with the withdrawal of the state from economic life with the influence of globalization beginning from 1980s, later was tried to be filled with these autonomous organizations that were composed of experts who are active in areas such as fundamental rights and freedoms, energy, environment, health and communication.
The relationships between the central administration and the regulatory and supervisory institutions which are accepted to be in the status of public institution by Constitutional Court and taken part among the local administrative institutions in terms of constitutional system, how the principle of integrity of administration will be realized and the power of administrative tutelage continue to be debated.
In this study, the positions of the relevant institutions in the administrative structure will be tried to be discussed in light of the decisions of the Constitutional Court by means of handling the wives in doctrine and relationships between the regulatory and supervisory institutions and the central administration will be dealt within the context of the principle of integrity of administration and the power of administrative tutelage.
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Author Name: Gülcan Azimli Çilingir
Keywords: Idare, Idari Yapi, Duzenleme ve Denetleme, Idari Vesayet.
ISSN: 2564-7733
EISSN: 2587-1625
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