Kuresellesme sureciyle beraber pek cok alanda degisim ve donusumler meydana gelmis, kuresel rekabette ustunluk elde etmenin on plana ciktigi yenidunya duzeninde bolgelerarasi gelismislik farklarini gidermede devletin mudahalesine dayanan politikalarda bir azalma gorulurken bolge kavraminda ve bolgesel politikalarda ise yasanan bu degisim ve donusumler neticesinde gittikce artan ve one plana cikan bir gelisme sureci yasanmis ve bu yeni surecte bolgesel/kurumsal yapilanmalar olan Bolgesel Kalkinma Ajanslari kuresel rekabetin onemli bir aktoru pozisyonuna gelmistir. Bu calismada kuresel rekabetin kuresel ve bolgesel aktorleri olmasi acisindan kalkinma ajanslarinda meydana gelen degisimlerin incelenmesi amaclanmaktadir.
Along with the globalization process, many changes and transformations have taken place, regional development in the new world order, which is the foreground of achieving global competitiveness while there is a decrease in the policies based on the intervention of the state in the concept of the region and in the regional politics, these changes and transformations are becoming increasingly and there was a process of development that came to the forefront and in this new process regional / institutional structures such as Regional Development Agencies has become an important player in global competition. In this study, it is aimed to examine changes in development agencies in terms of global and regional actors of global competition.
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Author Name: Mahmut Umut, Ferman AKBULUT
Keywords: Kuresellesme, Bolge, Bolgesel Kalkinma Ajanslari.
ISSN: 2564-7733
EISSN: 2587-1625
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