In modern times, we face otherization as the opposite of what is normal in terms of social and cultural dimensions. Disabled people are otherized in many cases because of their differentness from normal and able-bodied people who are accepted as normal in the modern world. This situation causes othering, isolation and as a result otherization of disabled people. In this study, language, which is one of the cultural fields in which being disabled is otherized, will be examined in terms of proverbs and idioms. Language is one of the most efficient factors in transmitting culture from one generation to another. Proverbs and idioms are important mechanisms in transmission function of language. In this sense, socio-cultural transition which proverbs and idioms create is an efficient field in highlighting the perception of being disabled in society. The aim of this study is to explain that disability has a social basis by using proverbs and idioms as the means of cultural transfer.
Otekilestirme sosyal ve kulturel boyutu ile modern donemlerde normal olanin karsiti olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir.Engellilerde, modern dunya icerisinde normal kabul edilen, tam, butun insandan farklilik gosterdigi icin pek cok durumda otekilestirilenler olmuslardir. Bu durum engellilerin toplumdan uzaklasmasina, yalnizlasmalarina ve bunun sonucu olarak otekilestirilmelerine neden olmaktadir. Calismada engelliligin otekilestirildigi kulturel alanlardan olan dildeki yansimalar atasozleri ve deyimler uzerinden ele alinacaktir. Ozellikle dil bir kulturun yasamasinda ve kusaklar arasinda aktarilmasindaki en etkin faktordur. Dilin aktarim islevini yerine getiren en onemli mekanizmalarindan biri ise atasozleri ve deyimlerdir. Bu anlamda kulturel boyutta ozellikle atasozleri ve deyimlerin yarattigi sosyo-kulturel donusum engelliligin toplumsal alandaki algisini one cikarmada etkili bir alandir. Calismanin amaci ozellikle engelliligin toplumsal temelden beslendigini, kulturun tasiyicilari olarak atasozleri ve deyimler uzerinden aciklamaktir.
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Author Name: Aysun YARALI AKKAYA
Keywords: Disability, Othering, Turkish Proverbs, Turkish Idioms.
ISSN: 2564-7733
EISSN: 2587-1625
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