Cleome droserifolia (Forssk.) Del., belongs to family Cleomaceae. It is an aromatic shrub covered with glandular hairs that give off a distinct volatile smell of its medicinal important chemicals. The initiation of glandular hairs cultures of Cleome droserifolia was successfully achieved on Murashige and Skoog medium containing a combination of BA (1mg l-1) with 2, 4D (10 mg l-1) and IAA (6mg l-1) with Kinetin (4mg l-1) in in vitro cultures. The obtained result will open the door for new biotechnological applications for the production of fine chemicals. Stem and leaf petiole glandular hairs expanded and formed small side daughter hairs perpendicular to the mother trichome. Multiplication of single trichome is obtained from leaf lamina and added new divisions from glands. The best response for multiplications and branching of daughter glandular trichomes was observed on MS medium containing 1mg l-1BA and 10mg l-1 2, 4 D.
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Author Name: Eman Atito, Samia Heneidak and Magdi A. El-Sayed
Keywords: Cleome droserifolia, Glandular trichomes (GT), Tissue culture, Multiplication and branching.
EISSN: 2209-2560
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