

sages of Mobile Phone in Rural Agricultural Marketing Function: A Study on Chirirbandar Thana, Dinajpur District, Bangladesh.

This paper analyzes the usages of mobile phone in rural agricultural marketing function. Now a day’s farmers are more conscious about the usages of mobile phone in agricultural activities. This means mobile phone usages consider as an important and integrate part of agricultural marketing function by the rural farmers and marketers. The research is exploratory in nature and both primary and secondary data will be used. Primary data will be collected by using survey questionnaire and the sample size is 80 and those are collected from Chirirbandar thana of Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. Probability and non probability sampling technique will be used to select the respondents. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed by statistical tools. This thesis finally shows that the usages of the cell phone in rural Bangladesh is increasing day by day in the field of agricultural marketing.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Mobile phone, Rural, Agriculture, Marketing and Function

ISSN: 2520-4750

EISSN: 2521-3040

EOI/DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.439705

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