

Facebook Usage Pattern of the Students of Mawlana Bhasani Science and Technology University

Facebook is one of the popular social networking sites. This study investigates Facebook usage pattern of the students? of Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University. This research has been conducted over the Bachelor and Master?s degree students from the MBSTU. Frequency distribution, cross tabulation and chi-square test has been applied for data analysis. A self-administered structured close-ended questionnaire used to collect data from 250 students. This research found about 97% of students have a Facebook account and male respondents uses Face book more than female respondents and found no significant statistical association between gender and usage of Facebook during the time of study, but found significant association between gender and negative impact on health of Facebooking. And also not found significant association among gender, time spending on Facebook per day and number of log in on Facebook. This study revealed usage of Facebook during the study time does not differ significantly among the students of different departments as well as the number of log in on Facebook. Future research attempt can be taken to find out the impact of Facebook usage on academic performance of the students.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Facebook, usage pattern, popular, addiction, groups.

ISSN: 2520-4750

EISSN: 2521-3040

EOI/DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.582977

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