We report two rare cases of long term recurrence of vestibular schwannomas after gross total removal.Two patients, a 66 year old female
and a 61 year old male, underwent surgery for vestibular schwannoma. In both patients an enlarged translabyrinthine approach was
performed to achieve a gross total removal of vestibular schwannoma. Both the patients developed a tumor recurrence 13 and 16 years
after surgery respectively. Recurrences after gross total tumor removal with Enlarged Translabyrinthine Approach is uncommon.
Though different centres have different protocols, generally follow-up is restricted to a maximum of ten years after surgery since most
recurrences tend to occur within this time period. This report points out to the fact that patients need to be put on prolonged follow up
for at least 15 years even after gross total removal.
Running Title – Recurrence of vestibular schwannoma.
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Author Name: Sampath Chandra Prasad ,EyadAbu Nahleh, Karthikeyan Balasubramanian, Mario Sanna
Keywords: Key words – Vestibular Schwannoma, Recurrence, long term, hearing preservation
ISSN: 0974-5262
EOI/DOI: 10.21176/ojolhns.2018.12.1.1
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