Introduction: Modified dacryocystorhinostomy with mucosal flap is a newer technique, it involves creation of large rhinostomy and
preservation of nasal and lacrimal sac mucosa, which increases the success rate of this procedure.
Objective: To compare the result of endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy done by conventional method versus modified
mucosal flap technique in chronic dacryocystitis patients.
Methods: 96 cases of chronic dacryocystitis of either sex, and age group 20 to 60 years with nasolacrimal duct obstruction diagnosed by
syringing were enrolled in this study between November 2014 to October 2016. Group-A patients underwent conventional
dacryocystorhinostomy and Group-B patients underwent modified dacryocystorhinostomy with mucosal flap technique. The post
operative follow up was done upto 6 month to assess lacrimal patency using syringing.
Results: Success rate was determined by symptomatic relief of epiphora and patency at syringing at the end of 6 month. Success rate of
conventional dacryocystorhinostomy was found to be 75% and modified dacryocystorhinostomy with mucosal flap technique was
93.75% (p value 0.011).
Conclusion: Success rate of mucosal flap technique was better and found statistically significant.
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Author Name: Priti R. Dhoke, Vikrant Dagar, V. V. Harkare, N V Deosthale, Kanchan. S. Dhote
Keywords: Dacryocystitis, Nasolacrimal duct, Dacryocystorhinostomy
ISSN: 0974-5262
EOI/DOI: 10.21176/ojolhns.2018.12.1.4
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