

A Study on Disharmonious and Distressful Relationship of Man and Woman “A Liberated Woman”

Deshpande’s fiction focuses on a woman’s awareness of her situation, her desire to be recognized as an individual with an independent social image rather than as a woman, the shadow of her man. Deshpande portrays her woman protagonist’s rebel against her man-woman relationships, first, in the form of father-daughter and then in the form of husband-wife. In the later, Deshpande makes her women character go through such a marital relationship, that even pleasure becomes an illusion for them and ‘lovemaking’ is degraded to a state of lustful, cruel, satiation of physical desire by the man. Happiness becomes a dream with grief attaining reality status. In ‘A Liberated Woman’, the protagonist is a lady doctor through whom Deshpande has come back to her favorite theme disharmonious and distressful of man-woman relationship. Deshpande’s woman protagonist, trapped in an unhappy marriage with a husband who has only apathy for her as he is not able to digest her success as a professional. Deshpande’s narrator expresses her pain and anguish as a reflection of the failure of her husband-wife relationship. Each statement of narration sounds as an anguished emotional cry of the hurt felt in her deep wounds. As she expresses her pain, she also laments on her unsuccessful marital relationship due to the weakness of the male psyche as she opines, that, “I can’t cry, the birds may hear. I can’t fight back either, he’s too strong for me.” (A Liberated Woman: 27)

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: unhappy marriage, pain and anguish, emotional cry

ISSN: 2349-4182

EISSN: 2349-4182


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