

Post-Independence Indian English Novel: Impact of Developmental Projects on the Marginalized

Kamala Markandaya’s sixth novel e Co?er Dams, Arun Joshi’s last novel eCity and the River and Amitav Ghosh’s most popular novel e Hungry Tide highlight, among other things, the ruling class’ indirect intervention in the lives of the marginalized section of Indian society. Although Kamala Markandaya, Arun Joshi and Amitav Ghosh are at variance with each other in respect of their technical and thematic approach to the world of ction, their common interest in highlighting the marginalized as victims of the ruling class’ ambitious plans for overnight development is worth investigation. is paper aims to re?ect the plight of the marginalized resulting from the mindless execution of developmental projects as depicted in the select Indian English novels produced a?er 1950s.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: critical space, Indian English Novel, Marginalization, Post-Independence, etc.

ISSN: 2319-3689

EISSN: Critical Space


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