Objective: to determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and stressors in the hospital practices of nursing students from a private university in Lima Norte. Materials and methods: the study had a correlational scope. The sample consisted of 58 students belonging to the 4th to the 10th cycle. For the inferential analysis, the Student's and ANOVA's T tests were used. Results The cycle (4th), the age (17-24 years) and the type of family (nuclear) were related to the lack of competition. With respect to impotence and uncertainty, a relation was found between the fourth cycle (1.9) and family type (nuclear family 1.9). Regarding not controlling the relationship with the patient, it is related to the ninth cycle (1.8) and family type (nuclear 1.7). While the shy attitude (2) is related to tutors and partners. Finally, damage in the relationship with the patient is related to the fourth and tenth cycle (1.9). Conclusion: The main factors associated with the sources of stress are: belonging to the first or last cycles of study, integrating a nuclear family, being 17 to 24 years old and showing a shy attitude. It is suggested to the university institutions to promote pedagogical activities oriented to the reinforcement of the general and specific competences in the nursing students.
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Author Name: Helly TupiƱo-Zumaeta; Audry Vargas-Mamani
Keywords: Clinical practices; Nursing students; Stressor
ISSN: ISSN 2519-0652
EISSN: ISSN 2519-9110
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