Databases are fundamental to numerous business and government associations, when we consider database the primary thing we considered is the manner by which to shield this information from any dangers. Information are for the most part put away in database with the goal that recovering and keeping up it turns out to be simple and reasonable. Every one of the tasks of information control and upkeep are finished utilizing Database Management System. Ensuring information is at the core
of many secure frameworks. Therefore, this paper highlights on database security, type of attacks and threats, methods and
techniques to protect data, finally we will talk about mobile database security.
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Author Name: Kusum Yadav, Monerah Hazza,Ahlam Malfay,Maha Zaid
Keywords: Database Security, Mobile database Threats
ISSN: 2456-8910
EISSN: 2456-8910
EOI/DOI: 10.29027/IJIRASE.v2.i2.2018
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