

Patient Satisfaction With Hospital Foodservice and its Impact on Plate Waste in Public Hospitals in East Malaysia

Background: Foodservice is an important issue in hospital settings, and patients’ levels of satisfaction are often indicated by consumption and plate waste. Objective: The current study compared patient satisfaction in hospital areas and other factors and determined the relationship between patient satisfaction and plate waste. Methods: This quantitative research was performed in four East Malaysian public hospitals. Patients at these hospitals were asked to complete a questionnaire which had three parts: A) general information, B) patient satisfaction questionnaire (Acute Care Hospital Foodservice Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire), and C) plate waste scale (Comstock 6-point scale). Results: A total of 189 patients participated. The results indicated that overall, 53.3%, 29.3%, 14.1%, 2.7%, and 0.5% of respondents rated the hospital foodservice as okay, good, poor, very good, and very poor, respectively. Average plate waste was 35% for all hospitals, and only 11% of patients finished all the food served. Satisfaction with hospital food differed according to the catering system (in-house and outsourced). However, the results also indicated that satisfaction with hospital foodservice was not significantly related to food wastage (r = -0.018, n = 189, P = 0.809). Conclusion: Various factors in hospital foodservice, especially food quality, should be improved to motivate patients to consume hospital food.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Patient Satisfaction, Food Services, Hospitals

ISSN: 2476-390X

EISSN: 2476-3918

EOI/DOI: 10.15171/HPR.2018.20

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