The recent decade has become highly competitive with mushroom growth of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in India. These institutions need to prove themselves by rendering higher quality services and better productivity in highly competitive scenario. The faculty mebers and students are the two eminent stakeholders of the HEIs, and for the efficiency of the organizations, both set of stakeholders, i.e., faculty members’ and students’ active involvement in each and every facet of functioning is a must which demands discipline in attendance and honesty in involvement. HEIs today are thus introducing some system for monitoring or assessing quality and regularity of both the faculty members and students for increasing the productivity and efficiency. On this backdrop, the Bio-metric system of attendance both for the students and employees of HEIs has been thought of in recent times to make the stakeholders disciplined and task-oriented. Considering this, while it has been a matter of temptation to introduce the system, it has also been equally important to assess the impact after adopting the technology of the stakeholders for who the system is going to be put into action. Thus, this Paper has considered two HEIs of Ranchi (India) who have already introduced Biometric Attendance System (BAS), to assess the projected impact of new technology in increasing organization’s productivity and efficiency.
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Author Name: Ms. Surabhi Sanchita, Dr. Sukanta C. Swain
Keywords: Biometric Attendance System, Higher Educational Institutes, Impact, Awareness, Acceptance, productivity, efficiency
ISSN: 2455-2178
EISSN: 2455-2178
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