

Effect of Computerized Educational Program on Self-Efficacy of Pregnant Women to Cope with Childbirth

Introduction: The rate of cesarean section in Iran is 3-4 times higher than the accepted rate of the World Health Organization. Maternal education has a key role for increasing self- efficacy of pregnant women to cope with labor, reducing their fear from vaginal childbirth and thus reducing their desire to perform cesarean deliveries. Therefore this study was performed to determine the effect of computerized educational on self-efficacy of pregnant women to cope with labor. Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial which carried out on 150 nulliparous pregnant women. Intervention group received the computerized educational program for 6-8 weeks. In order to determine the self-efficacy, the childbirth self efficacy questionnaire (CBSEI) was administered on pregnant women at 28-32 and 36-38 weeks of pregnancy. Data were analyzed with Chi-square and Mann–Whitney U-test. Results: There was a significant difference between median and interquartile range on self-efficacy of pregnant women in intervention (607, 20) and control group (394,16) (P>0.001). Moreover we found also a statistically significant difference between median of expected outcome (307) and expected self-efficacy (301) after intervention in both stages of labor between the two groups (P>0.001). Conclusion: This study confirmed the effectiveness of the computerized educational program on self-efficacy of pregnant women to cope with labor. Therefore it is recommended to use this program as a teaching or complementary method in preparation for childbirth.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Computerized educational program, Self–efficacy, Childbirth, Coping.

ISSN: 1735-577x

EISSN: 2345-3753

EOI/DOI: 10.1234/knh.v0i0.407

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