


The article outlines the meaning of terms “professional competencies”, “professional competency”, “qualification profile”, “professional readiness”, “professionality”, that are defined in the scientific works of many Ukrainian scientists that study the problems of competency based approach in education. These terms are clarified more in this article. The different sources of pedagogical literature had been explored. The analysis of the theoretical researches of outstanding Ukrainian scientists was made and special attention was given to the disclosure of certain concepts that reveal the matter of such an important term in pedagogy as a professional competence. Among other things, qualification characteristics of professions of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of educational institutions that were published by the Ministry of Education have been studied; also the encyclopaedical teacher’s dictionary was studied and various levels of qualification were revealed, including simple absorption of knowledge and skills; range and fullness of knowledge and skills; ability to perform special tasks; the ability to rationally organize and plan their work; the ability to use knowledge in abnormal situation. After summarizing the studied material, the author’s definition of job description of teacher was given. The article deals with the contradictions between the qualities of an individual that consist in the characteristic of a modern teacher and objective requirements, norms, standards, values of activities of the profession. The definitions of Ukrainian scientists regarding readiness for professional activity were investigated, and the author’s definition, based on the dynamic development of the Ukrainian system of pedagogical education was given. Some stages of the process of knowledge acquisition were identified, including the psychological preparation, submission of new information, a stage of independent application of the acquired knowledge. Requirements of modern regular school were defined from pedagogical educational institutions to the teacher: what kind of skills should he have, how he can critically evaluate the pedagogical problems and find the way to solve them, how he can change his activities taking into account the requirements of pedagogical situation, how to make a real and reasonable choice of elements of the content of education and methods of teaching during lesson planning; what he should know and what kind of skills should he have. The definition of professional excellence was observed and its core factors are defined. The necessity of studying the terms “qualification profile”, “professional readiness”, “professionality” was established for further development of professional competency of teachers in the world of global transformations that are taking place at the present stage of social and economic Ukrainian development in all fields of life sustaining activity of society. The conclusion is made about the professional competence of the specialist as an integrated system quality, characterizing the potential capabilities of the individual (knowledge, skills, and experience), the level and dynamics of their expansion in the current field, the readiness to develop the professional actions and implement them into practice. The article outlines the meaning of terms “professional competencies”, “professional competency”, “qualification profile”, “professional readiness”, “professionality”, that are defined in the scientific works of many Ukrainian scientists that study the problems of competency based approach in education. These terms are clarified more in this article. The different sources of pedagogical literature had been explored. The analysis of the theoretical researches of outstanding Ukrainian scientists was made and special attention was given to the disclosure of certain concepts that reveal the matter of such an important term in pedagogy as a professional competence. Among other things, qualification characteristics of professions of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of educational institutions that were published by the Ministry of Education have been studied; also the encyclopaedical teacher’s dictionary was studied and various levels of qualification were revealed, including simple absorption of knowledge and skills; range and fullness of knowledge and skills; ability to perform special tasks; the ability to rationally organize and plan their work; the ability to use knowledge in abnormal situation. After summarizing the studied material, the author’s definition of job description of teacher was given. The article deals with the contradictions between the qualities of an individual that consist in the characteristic of a modern teacher and objective requirements, norms, standards, values of activities of the profession. The definitions of Ukrainian scientists regarding readiness for professional activity were investigated, and the author’s definition, based on the dynamic development of the Ukrainian system of pedagogical education was given. Some stages of the process of knowledge acquisition were identified, including the psychological preparation, submission of new information, a stage of independent application of the acquired knowledge. Requirements of modern regular school were defined from pedagogical educational institutions to the teacher: what kind of skills should he have, how he can critically evaluate the pedagogical problems and find the way to solve them, how he can change his activities taking into account the requirements of pedagogical situation, how to make a real and reasonable choice of elements of the content of education and methods of teaching during lesson planning; what he should know and what kind of skills should he have. The definition of professional excellence was observed and its core factors are defined. The necessity of studying the terms “qualification profile”, “professional readiness”, “professionality” was established for further development of professional competency of teachers in the world of global transformations that are taking place at the present stage of social and economic Ukrainian development in all fields of life sustaining activity of society. The conclusion is made about the professional competence of the specialist as an integrated system quality, characterizing the potential capabilities of the individual (knowledge, skills, and experience), the level and dynamics of their expansion in the current field, the readiness to develop the professional actions and implement them into practice. The article outlines the meaning of terms “professional competencies”, “professional competency”, “qualification profile”, “professional readiness”, “professionality”, that are defined in the scientific works of many Ukrainian scientists that study the problems of competency based approach in education. These terms are clarified more in this article. The different sources of pedagogical literature had been explored. The analysis of the theoretical researches of outstanding Ukrainian scientists was made and special attention was given to the disclosure of certain concepts that reveal the matter of such an important term in pedagogy as a professional competence. Among other things, qualification characteristics of professions of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of educational institutions that were published by the Ministry of Education have been studied; also the encyclopaedical teacher’s dictionary was studied and various levels of qualification were revealed, including simple absorption of knowledge and skills; range and fullness of knowledge and skills; ability to perform special tasks; the ability to rationally organize and plan their work; the ability to use knowledge in abnormal situation. After summarizing the studied material, the author’s definition of job description of teacher was given. The article deals with the contradictions between the qualities of an individual that consist in the characteristic of a modern teacher and objective requirements, norms, standards, values of activities of the profession. The definitions of Ukrainian scientists regarding readiness for professional activity were investigated, and the author’s definition, based on the dynamic development of the Ukrainian system of pedagogical education was given. Some stages of the process of knowledge acquisition were identified, including the psychological preparation, submission of new information, a stage of independent application of the acquired knowledge. Requirements of modern regular school were defined from pedagogical educational institutions to the teacher: what kind of skills should he have, how he can critically evaluate the pedagogical problems and find the way to solve them, how he can change his activities taking into account the requirements of pedagogical situation, how to make a real and reasonable choice of elements of the content of education and methods of teaching during lesson planning; what he should know and what kind of skills should he have. The definition of professional excellence was observed and its core factors are defined. The necessity of studying the terms “qualification profile”, “professional readiness”, “professionality” was established for further development of professional competency of teachers in the world of global transformations that are taking place at the present stage of social and economic Ukrainian development in all fields of life sustaining activity of society. The conclusion is made about the professional competence of the specialist as an integrated system quality, characterizing the potential capabilities of the individual (knowledge, skills, and experience), the level and dynamics of their expansion in the current field, the readiness to develop the professional actions and implement them into practice.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: an education; the professional competence; competences; the qualification characteristic; professional readiness; professionalism.

ISSN: 2308-4634

EISSN: 2617-0825

EOI/DOI: 10.24919/2308­4634.2018.146990

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