

The training methods for the development of the creativity of High School students

The article examines the ways of forming the creativity of students in higher educational institutions. The history of the formation of objects related to it is studied. Information is provided on educational programs that establish the grounds for creativity in higher education institutions with experience in providing creative education. Mention is made of factors that affect the formation of creativity of high school students. Describes the experience of using virtual technologies that have alternative learning conditions in the most prestigious universities at the present time; gives information about the advantages of a virtual device. The main attention is paid to the influence of the learning process on the basis of information technologies on the development of criticism of students and creative thinking, their direction to future professional activities and issues of stimulating creativity. In the development of programs that ensure the development of students’ creativity, the importance is attributed not to content, but to the process, based on the rules of facilitation that support co-education and training of students.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: High schools, training methods, creative development, student quota, educational programs, sillabus, auxiliary approach to training processes.

ISSN: 0134-3289

EISSN: 2617-8060

EOI/DOI: 10.32906/AJES/683.2018.02.03

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