

Older LGBT Persons Living in Aged Care Institutions: Challenges and Barriers for Maintaining Sexual Rights

The right to freedom of expression of sexual orientation and identity among older people living in institutional settings is challenged by several specific issues. The aim of the present article is to identity such challenges and discuss about how to remove them or, at least, mitigate their impact. To do so, firstly we describe the context of sexual stigma associated to LGBT people, and how such stigma could be even greater in the case of LGBT older people. Secondly, we discuss LGBT fears and expectation regarding institutional care, as well as attitudes towards such collective held by members of staff and other heterosexual residents. Finally, we pose several proposals to guarantee sexual rights of LGTB people living in long term care institutions for older people.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Sexual rights; Nursing homes; LGBT persons; Attitudes; Sexual stigma.

ISSN: 2527-1288


EOI/DOI: 10.17058/psiunisc.v2i2.12088

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