Through a critical analysis known as Post-truth, this paper discusses two interconnected themes. The first one investigates the important role that psychology plays in the recent socio-anthropological environment and its main political and economic repercussions. The second theme explains the concept of subjectivity and how different dimensions of the human beings are influenced with the preponderance of technoliberalism and the new medias. This new process propitiates the construction of a new kind of subjectivity, which could be named as digital subjectivity. The investigation also
reveals that the implementation of these media practices anipulates the human being itself. The digital administration of human life transforms itself into a new object of consumption. The new media
seek to comprise all the sequences of the human experience, which results in the commodification of the whole life
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Author Name: Pedrinho Guareschi
Keywords: Psychology and post-truth; Digital subjectivity; Algorithm; Technoliberalism.
ISSN: 2527-1288
EOI/DOI: 10.17058/psiunisc.v2i2.12242
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