

Intimate Partner Violence: Characteristics of those Involved and Aggression

Violence against women reaches alarming levels in Brazil. Among its events is that practiced in the context of the intimate relation of affection or in function of this. This article presents the results obtained in the scientific research entitled "Men Authors of Conjugal Violence: Biopsychosocial Characterization, Types of Practiced Aggression and its Procedural Consequences", whose objective was to describe aspects related to the conjugal violence perpetrated by man against the woman, based on existing relationships between the biopsychosocial characteristics of the author and the victim, the type of violent act and the possible variations in the procedural consequences of such action. The data were collected in 150 criminal proceedings, sentenced in 2015 in a Specialized Chamber on Domestic and Family Violence in the Belem Region. Data submitted to the statistical method of Cluster analysis showed the segmentation of the sample in three clusters according to their similarities and differences in the identified individual characteristics. The analysis of the data through the Logistic Regression methodology showed that the breakdown of the affective relationship increases in 8,568 the ratio of chance of the man to become a practitioner of physical violence against the former partner.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Development; Conjugal violence; Intimate partner violence; Aggression against women.

ISSN: 2527-1288


EOI/DOI: 10.17058/psiunisc.v2i2.11901

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