

To Live and not be Ashamed of Being Happy: Music and Production of Senses in a CAPS in Western Amazon

The objective with this study was to describe the importance of music in assisting social rehabilitation of users of a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS I) in the Amazon region. This is a qualitative research performed through a semi structured interview with ten participants of a music workshop. The analysis of statements had as guide the Discourse Analysis, under the perspective of Discursive Psychology, and helped to identify four interpretative repertoires: a) music as a memory activator resource; b) music workshop as an element of social deconstruction of prejudice; c) music workshop as a space of social interaction; d) musical activities as therapeutic resource. It was concluded that the intervention through music can reflect positively in the health institution, by providing the establishment of a therapeutic environment, in which the user feels valued in dimensions that are not recurrent in the conventional system of assistance to health.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Music; Social rehabilitation; Social interaction.

ISSN: 2527-1288


EOI/DOI: 10.17058/psiunisc.v2i2.11801

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