

Investigation On The Contributions Of People With Disabilities Of Present Laws ?n Turkey And Level Of Utilization From The Law

Introduction: According to United Nations there are 650 million disabled people on the world. According to the results of World Disability Report more than one billion people lives with a disability. Disabled people and their family makes up one third of the world population. In this study, the goal is to determine the rate of the benefiting the rights provided by the present laws in Turkey. In this study the literature review method is used. Medline, Scholar,, Eric and Spor Bilimleri Magazine "disabled people", "laws for the disabled" and "disabled rights" is scanned with using the keywords. According to the findings; the rate of benefiting the rights provided by the laws is very low, the disabled people do not know their rights, they can not use the public transportation enough, and the municipalities do not organize the streets, avenues and roads considering the disabled. Also it is determined that the disabled do not benefit their rights enough in the areas of transportation, public life, social and health. Employment of the disabled, their working circumstances and their educational rights has gained acceleration but when it is compared to the disabled population it is inadequate. As a result: It could be said that individually and publically informing the disabled about their rights provided by the law would make an important contribution to the solving of the disabled people's problems.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Disabled People, Laws, Disabled Rights


EISSN: 2645-9094


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