The birth of Law No. 6 Year 2014 on the Village has presented a new paradigm and concept on
village government policy nationally. In addition, this law also raises the rights and autonomy of the
village that has been marginalized. The village that in the past were more subject to policy and
development implementation now has wider power and opportunities to formulate policies and carry
out their own development. From this condition, this paper is an analysis that offers alternative ideas
and models of new village goverment. In this case, the author proposes "an Integrated Model on
Sustainable Village Government". A model that offers a reorientation of village development goals
with the integration of village’s development programs by emphasizing decentralization and local
democracy, community-based village development design and process, and aspects of sustainable
development of the village as mandated in Law No. 6 Year 2014 on the Village
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Author Name: Bahjatul Murtasidin
Keywords: Village government, Integrated Model on Sustainable Village Governance, Law No. 6/2014
EISSN: 2614-1493
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