The purpose of the work is to assess levels of entrepreneurial activity of women in Russia, their motivational preferences. The study is based on the economic and statistical analysis of the data on Russia in 2015-2017, presented in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report and Female Business Activity Index in Russia. The research reveals features of female entrepreneurship and the barriers to its development. The paper defines basic indicators of woman business and ways of its development in Russia. The obtained new knowledge can be used in scientific research, in the educational process in the preparation of bachelors and masters, as well as training specialists in small business problems.
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Author Name: Iuliia Pinkovetskaia, Diego Felipe Arbeláez Campillo, Magda Julissa Rojas-Bahamón, Tatiana Gromova, Irina Nikitina
Keywords: woman entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurial activity, motivation, gender gap.
ISSN: 2322-6307
EISSN: 2322-6307
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