

Effectiveness of attributive retraining on epileptic male children’s mental health

Background: Epilepsy is relatively a common neurological disease in childhood. This disorder affects the ability of the children, their performance and their mental health. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate effectiveness of attributive retraining on epileptic children’s mental health. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study a pre-test post-test design with control group was used. From the statistical population of Iran epilepsy association, 30 epileptic children [17 boys and 13 girls] were selected by accessible sampling and were divided in experimental and control group. General health questionnaire [Goldberg and Hiller, 1979] was used in this study. Experimental group were trained during 11 sessions [each session was 45 minutes and two sessions in each week] then the results were analyzed by Multi variable covariance analysis. Results: The results of analysis of covariance showed that physical symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, disorder in social function, depression was reduced significantly [p>0/01] after attribution retraining intervention in comparison with control group. Discussion: It can be concluded that attributive retraining can increase epileptic children’s mental health and it seems that it would be an appropriate intervention for increasing epileptic children’s mental health.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: epilepsy, mental health, attributive retraining

ISSN: 2588-6657

EISSN: 2476-2962


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