The research was aimed to (1) determine the achievement of students who are active in student organizations, (2) determine the achievement of students who are not active in student organizations. (3) determine differences in academic achievement between students who are active and inactive in student organizations. This study used the quantitative approach with comparative method. Subjects of this study
were active and non active students in student organisation in the Faculty of Economics of Undiksha, while the object of the study were the achievement of students who are active and inactive in student
organizations. The data were collected using documentation and interview method. The analytical method used int his study was analysis of Independent-Sample T-Test that was processed using SPSS 17.0 for
windows. The results showed that (1) the average value of the achievement of students who are active in student organizations was 3.36 wich was classified into excellent category, (2) the average value of the
achievement of students who are inactive in student organizations was 2,80 which was classified into either category, (3) there is a significant difference in the achievement of students who are active and inactive in student organizations at the Faculty of Economics Undiksha, with the acquisition of tvalue > ttable (8.974 > 1.969).
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Author Name: Kadek Rai Suwena, Made Ary Meitriana
Keywords: achievement, active and inactive students in student organizations
ISSN: 2354-6107
EISSN: 2549-2292
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