

Motivasi, Stigma dan Coping Stigma pada Perempuan Bercadar

[PDF] from Motivasi, Stigma dan Coping Stigma pada Perempuan Bercadar Authors Alif Fathur Rahman, Muhammad Syafiq Publication date 2017/2/7 Journal Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 103-115 Description Full-face veil is a head scarf with a face cover which only leave eyes exposed used by Muslim women as accompanied with wearing long hijab and black dominated clothes covering body. A full-face veil has some kinds such as niqab and burqa. Women with full-face veil generally become the target of stigma. This study explores full-face veiled women’s experiences including their motivation that encourage them to wear it, the stigma they face, and how they cope with the stigma. Five women who wear full-face veils involved in this study. Data collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The result shows that wearing full-face veil is motivated primarily by religious loyalty and for guarding them from sexual objectification. Their strong religious loyalty make them ready to face stigma labelled by their surrounding society such as accused as a fanatic, a member of terrorist group, and being avoided by their surrounding people. The strategies they use to cope with the stigma cover internal and external strategies. The internal strategies consist of ignoring the stigma and taking the view that the stigma is caused by the surrounding society’s misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the external strategies include of taking effort to clarify and give the explanation to revise the misunderstanding, as well as participating in neighborhood activities.

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Keywords: Muslim women, full-face veil, coping stigma

ISSN: 2087-1708

EISSN: 2597-9035


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