Makedonya Kral? Büyük ?skender’in ölümünden sonra, kurmu? oldu?u imparatorluk gerçek anlamda bir varisin bulunmamas?ndan dolay? komutanlar? aras?nda ya?anan sava?lar sonucunda bölünmü?tür. Seleukos Kral? Seleukos I Nikator, ya?anan bu sava?lar?n ard?ndan Önasya topraklar?n?n bir bölümünü ele geçirmi?tir. Kral ele geçirmi? oldu?u bu topraklarda hakimiyetini sürdürebilmek ad?na kentler in?a etmi?tir. Krali merkez dahil olmak üzere Seleukos I Nikator’un kurmu? oldu?u bu kentlerden on alt?s? Antiokheia olarak adland?r?lm??t?r. Seleukos I Nikator’dan sonra ba?a geçen di?er Seleukos krallar?n?n da Antiokheia ad?nda kentler kurduklar? belirlenmi?tir. Bu kentlerin özellikle krali merkez Antiokheia’n?n yak?n çevresinde yo?unla?t??? gözlemlenmi?tir. Bu ba?lamda krallar?n ele geçirmi? olduklar? topraklarda yeni kentler kurmalar? ve bu yeni kentlere kendi kültürlerine ba?l? bir ?ekilde ad vermi? olmalar? ele geçirmi? olduklar? topraklarda hakimiyetlerinin kal?c?l???n? sa?lam??t?r. Ayn? zamanda bu yeni kentlerin kurulmas? ile birlikte kolonile?tirme faaliyetlerinde de art?? oldu?u görülmü? ve krali merkez Antiokheia’n?n yak?n çevresindeki baz? kentlerin yaln?zca adlar?n?n Antiokheia olarak de?i?ti?i anla??lm??t?r. Bu durum kent ile krall?k aras?nda bir ba? kurulmaya çal???ld???n? göstermi?tir. Antiokheia kentlerinin genelde hem ticari hem de hammadde kaynaklar?na eri?im aç?s?ndan elveri?lili?i Hellenistik Krall?klar’?n ve sonras?nda Roma ?mparatorlu?u’nun dikkatini çekmi?tir. Böylelikle Antiokheia kentlerinin Seleukos Krall??? döneminden sonra da önemini korudu?u tespit edilmi?tir. Bu çal??mada, hem krali merkez Antiokheia hem de bu kentin yak?n çevresini kapsayan bölgede kurulmu? olan di?er Antiokheia kentlerinin analizi amaçlanm??t?r. "After the death of the Macedonian King Alexander the Great, the empire he founded had been divided as a result of the wars between his commanders due to the absence of an heir. The King of Seleukos, Seleukos I Nikator seized part of the Asia Minör territory after these wars. The king has built cities in order to continue his domination in these lands. Sixteen of these cities which founded by Seleukos I Nikator including the royal center were named as Antiocheia. Other Seleucid kings, who came to power after Seleukos I Nikator, were also established cities called Antiocheia. It was observed that these cities were focused especially in the immediate vicinity of the royal center of Antiocheia. In this context, the establishment of new cities in the lands captured by the kings and the fact that they gave names to these new cities in a way which is connected to their own culture provided the permanence of their domination in the lands they had acquired. At the same time, with the establishment of these new cities, it was seen that there was also an increase in the colonization activities and it was understood that some cities in the vicinity of the king center Antiokheia only changed their names to Antiocheia. This situation has been shown to be a link between the city and kingdom. The accessibility of both the commercial and the raw material sources of the cities of Antiocheia had attracted the attention of the Hellenistic Kingdoms and later of the Roman Empire. It was determined that the cities of Antiocheia are still important after Seleucid Kingdom. In this study, both the royal center Antiocheia and the other Antiocheia cities that were established in the region surrounding the city were aimed to be analyzed."
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Author Name: Meltem Temizkan
Keywords: Seleukos, Hellenism, Koloni, Antiokheia, Roma. "Seleucus, Hellenism, Colony, Antiokheia, Rome."
EISSN: 2667-7059
EOI/DOI: 10.33469/oannes.6
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